Harmony is the latest map, a map of many wastelands, hot and cold.
- Infraborea - Infraborea, a land of ice and snow. Also known as Infa 100% Borea.
- Terra Silva - Terra Silva, a land of forests.
- MAGAgascar - A big island filled with sand, wild animals and one “lively savannah reserve”.
- KARA BOĞA - Diverse continent, roamed by Black Bulls.
- Mediterranea - Middle continent, home to the Staff and one-time players.
- Norska - Norska (Norsca), a harsh cold land of savage people.
Oceans and Seas
- Baharna - Our sea.
- Italian Bay - Italian Bay.
- Weed Bay - Weed Bay.
- Mare Tyrrhenum - Tyrrhenian Sea.
- Mare di Sanbucca - Sanbucca Sea.
- Infraborean Ocean - Infraborean Ocean.
- The Ice Camel - Ice Camel Sea.
- Cube Pond - Cube Pond.
- Indiri Desert - Indiri Desert.
- NekoNeko's Archipelago - NekoNeko's Archipelago.
- Little Amazônia - The only “jungle” inside Harmonia's original borders.
Other features
See Also
- For Oceania Geography see: Oceania
- For Alpha's Realm Geography see: alphasrealm and maps